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Title: Final report on EL 6946 (Foelsche) for the period 09-11-1993 to 08-11-1994
Title Holder / Company: Normandy Exploration
Report id: CR1994-0836
Tenure: EL6946
Year: 1994
Author: Manning, ER
Abstract: During the final year of tenure a total of 19 loam samples were collected to follow up possibbly kimberlitic chromites recovered in previous years. Results failed to pin point a source but were interpreted as supporting a possibility that the indicator minerals were shreding from beneath a limestone capping. Palynological evidence suggested that the carbonate sediments could be of relatively recent age and thus would mask any earlier intrusions. A programme of percussion drilling with diamond 'tails' was carried out to test for a chromite source underneath the dolomite cover. No diamond source was intersected, making the diamond potential of this area too low to warrant any further expenditure.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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