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Title: History of, and final report for, prospecting authorities 1556, 1713, 2369, 2381, 2852, 2929, 3068, 3074, 3179 and ELs 127, 169, 196, 230 and 231 Waterhouse Range
Title Holder / Company: Le Nickel (Australia) Exploration
Report id: CR1973-0006
Tenure: EL238;  EL196;  AP1556;  AP1713;  AP2369;  EL230;  EL231;  AP3068;  AP3074;  AP3179;  AP2929;  EL169;  EL127
Year: 1973
Author: Normand, D
Abstract: Work recently completed on the Waterhouse Range areas indicated little possibility of locating a large base metal deposit.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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