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Title: ERL 85 Gigantic eigth annual report 16-12-1995 to 15-12-1996
Title Holder / Company: Giants Reef Exploration
Western Mining
Report id: CR1997-0132
Tenure: ERL85;  EL4820
Year: 1997
Author: Simpson, PG
Abstract: Work completed included gridding, a gravity survey, 3 RC holes (198m) targeting ironstone, 31 rock chip samples and 80 soil samples were collected. RC drilling at the Eastern Giant Moon Ironstone returned no significant results. 2 holes were drilled to test the Dingo Ironstone. One hole returned low gold values to 0. 18g-t. Rock chip sampling took place at Dingo Hill, Giant Moon and Fairway 2. No significant results were obtained. Soil sampling results are yet to be analysed.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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