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Title: Fourth annual report for EL 8602, EL 9537, EL 9538, EL 9539, EL 9540 and EL 9758, 24 July 2003 to 23 July 2004, McFarlane Agreement
Title Holder / Company: Otter Gold
Report id: CR2004-0405
Tenure: EL8602;  EL9537;  EL9538;  EL9539;  EL9540;  EL9758
Year: 2004
Author: Muir, M
Abstract: This is the fourth annual report for tenements of the McFarlane Agreement (EL 8602, EL 9537, EL 9538, EL 9539, EL 9540, EL 9758). Tenements were granted on the 24 July 2000 for a period of six years. Activities completed during the reporting period included the tenements being part of a major desktop structural study of the Tanami by 'RSG' for Newmont exploration. No safety or environmental issues were reported during the fourth year of tenure.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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