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Title: 'Barrow Creek Project' Annual Report for the period 24 April 2003 to 23 April 2004
Title Holder / Company: Astro Mining
Report id: CR2004-0314
Tenure: EL23390
Year: 2004
Author: Washburn, CA
Abstract: Astro Mining NL applied for EL23390 on 2 October 2001, the tenement was granted on 23 April 2003 covering an area of 1,048km2. Exploration carried out over the EL23390 during the reporting period included the acquisition of geological, topographic and geophysical data, GIS compilations and data reviews, compilation of openfile data. Examination of the Landsat TM data indicates a number of circular features in the area of the chromite occurrences, and these along with discreet circular outcrop occurrences require follow up.Follow up of the chromites is considered high priority, and grains should be recovered for further microprobe analysis.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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