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Title: Altjawarra Craton Diamond Project Final Relinquishment Report for period ending May 23, 2004 for EL 22533 (Lucy Creek West)
Title Holder / Company: Elkedra Diamonds
Report id: CR2004-0304
Tenure: EL22533
Year: 2004
Author: Leadbeatter, J
Tomkins, LA
Abstract: Exploration License EL 22533 (Lucy Creek West) is located on the Huckitta (SF53-11) and Tobermory (SF53-12) 1:250,000 sheets in central Northern Territory. This report details all work carried out on the relinquished tenement up to May 23, 2004 by Elkedra Diamonds NL. Screening of the airborne magnetic data indicates that the tenement does not contain any large 'bulls-eye' anomalies likely to be due to large diatremes. The three aeromagnetic targets identified are of low priority and appear to be related to drainage or shallow basement. Ground magnetic surveys would have limited value in the area because of the very high surface noise levels. Two stream sediment samples reported positive for chromites with 1 moderate Cr chromite identified from each sample. While these grains are of possible mantle origin, poor drainage development hampers further follow-up. No geochemical anomalous values of any significance to diamond exploration were identified from soil geochemistry samples collected at the stream sediment sites. Based on combined data results, the tenement currently ranks low priority in terms of diamond exploration within Elkedra's regional Altjawarra Craton project and no further work is presently warranted.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL22533_2004_P.pdf686.05 kBPDF Add
CR2004-0304_Appendix1_Aeromagnetic_Anomalies.zip2.73 kBUnknown Add
CR2004-0304_Appendix2_Surface_Sampling.zip95.68 kBUnknown Add
CR2004-0304_Appendix3_Library_Codes.zip25.41 kBUnknown Add

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