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Title: Second annual report for EL 10358, 22nd April 2003 to 23rd April 2004
Title Holder / Company: Tawana Resources
Report id: CR2004-0266
Tenure: EL10358
Year: 2004
Author: Marx, WT
Cooper, SA
Abstract: EL10358 targets diamonds in kimberlite pipes at Timber Creek in the Victoria Basin. Due to negotiations between Striker and Rio Tinto on the formalities of the 'Letter Of Intent' over EL 10358 and others, no diamond exploration was conducted during the reporting period between 16th May, 2003 and 15th May, 2004, for diamond-bearing kimberlite intrusives. Some stockpiled sample was processed.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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