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Title: First combined annual report for EL 9529, EL 9774, EL 10359, EL 10360, EL 10404, EL 22625, EL 22759, EL 22761, EL 22918 and EL 23650, Winnecke Project, for the year ending 1st April 2004
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Exploration
Report id: CR2004-0215
Tenure: EL9529;  EL9774;  EL10359;  EL10360;  EL10404;  EL22625;  EL22759;  EL22761;  EL22918;  EL23650
Year: 2004
Author: Rohde, C
Abstract: This report covers the ten ELs which form the Winnecke project. An assessment of the area showed potential for polymetallic base metals and gold mineralisation. Exploration program consisted of reconnaissance geochemical sampling at the Harrys Creek, Ranking and Gecko prospects. In addition geochemical sampling and aircore drilling was carried out at the Gardens gold project. At Glancroil workings, geochemical sampling was conducted. In future program, detailed investigations of these prospects will be carried out.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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CR2004-0215_Data.zip71.52 kBUnknown Add
CR2004-0215_Expenditure_Proposed_Program_and_Budget.zip12.67 MBUnknown Add
CR2004-0215_Figures.zip536.09 kBUnknown Add
CR2004-0215_Plates.zip5.55 MBUnknown Add

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