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Title: First annual report for EL 23630 Golden Goose year ending 4 March 2004
Title Holder / Company: Tanami Gold
Report id: CR2004-0199
Tenure: EL23630
Year: 2004
Author: Rohde, C
Abstract: EL 23630 'Golden Goose' is situated in the Winnecke Goldfield approximately 60 kilometres northeast of Alice Springs. The tenement was granted on 5 March 2003 to joint holders Imperial Granite and Minerals Pty. Ltd. and Tennant Creek Gold Pty. Ltd. and was explored in 2003 under an option agreement by Tanami Exploration NL. This report describes exploration carried in its first year of tenure. A considerable amount of previous exploration has been carried out on the tenement area. Field work concentrated around the Golden Goose workings, a historical deposit at the intersection of east-west and north-westerly trending structures within the Winnecke shear zone. First year exploration included reconnaissance rock chip sampling and RAB/Aircore drilling to test an interpreted NW - SE striking mineralised envelope. No significant results were returned from the drilling.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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