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Title: 6th Annual report for EL 7799, EL 7803, EL 7837 and EL 8479, 13 October 2002 to 12 October 2003
Title Holder / Company: Otter Gold
Anglogold Australia
Report id: CR2003-0416
Tenure: EL7799;  EL7803;  EL7837;  EL8479
Year: 2003
Author: Muir, M
Abstract: Work during the reporting period was focused on EL 7803 where 5 regional drillholes were completed to test regolith and three fences of infill aircore drilling were testing the extension of the existing anomalism within the channel sediments of 'Tanami Lakes'. The best intercepts included 3m @ 0.7 ppm Au and 3 m @ 0.029 ppm Au.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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