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Title: First annual report for EL 9856 'Gregory's Depot'
Title Holder / Company: Eupene Exploration Enterprises
Report id: CR2002-0313
Tenure: EL9856
Year: 2002
Author: Eupene, GS
Abstract: All geophysical data has been reviewed and the source of the prominent magnetic feature has been analyzed. It appears that most likely source of the feature is a basis intrusive of post Properozoic age, possibly related to the Antrim Plateau Volcanics, though this is probably not an extrusive centre. This target could be a layered mafic intrusive, with potential for accumulations of metal sulfides deposits of Ni, Co, Cu etc. Follow up work would involve magnetic traverses, gravity, mobile ion geochemistry and subsequent drilling in year 3.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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EL9856_2002_A_01.pdf2.39 MBPDF Add
EL9856_2002_A_02_Variation_of_Expenditure_Covenant.pdf105.5 kBPDF Add
EL9856_2002_A_03_Table1.pdf130.09 kBPDF Add
EL9856_2002_A_04_Birrindudu_Strat0003.jpg2.24 MBJPEG Add
EL9856_2002_A_05_Birrindudu_Strat0004.jpg229.41 kBJPEG Add
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