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Title: Combined annual report for the period ending 28 September 2002 EL 22594 'Frew River South', EL 22596 'Frew River North', EL 22597 'Frew River West', EL 22811 'Barkly 4'
Title Holder / Company: Rio Tinto Exploration
Report id: CR2002-0243
Tenure: EL22594;  EL22596;  EL22597;  EL22811
Year: 2002
Abstract: Reconnaissance conducted over the area indicates that the tenements have some potential for Wonarah -style phosphorite deposits. However, recent reappraisal of the Wonarah deposit to the north has downgraded this project's potential.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

Files in this Report:
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CR20020243_2002_GA.pdf199.09 kBPDF Add
CR2002-0243_Appendix_1.zip507 BUnknown Add
CR2002-0243_Appendix_2.zip6.42 kBUnknown Add
CR2002-0243_Appendix_3.zip1.28 MBUnknown Add
CR2002-0243_Plans.zip280.23 kBUnknown Add

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