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Title: EL 9695 Mount Young Project Annual report year ended 13 May 2002
Title Holder / Company: BHP Billiton Minerals
Report id: CR2002-0139
Tenure: EL9695
Year: 2002
Author: Christensen, A
Abstract: The report describes exploration work completed up to date. Ten reconnaissance rock chip samples were collected from the Andrew Young Hills outcrop. The geochemical results indicate very high levels of crustal contamination in the gabroic system with indications of excess sulfur. These results suggest encouraging mineral prospectiity in the area. Analysis of the GEOTEM survey data and the Mackay aeromagnetic survey has resulted in the identification of 13 GEOTEM/magnetic anomalies within the licence area. The anomalies warrant ground follow-up once access has been successfully negotiated.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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