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Title: Annual report on ELs 327, 328, 329, 3340 and 9969, Arnhem Land Project; period ending 13 May 2001
Title Holder / Company: De Beers Australia Exploration
Report id: CR2001-0205
Tenure: EL327;  EL328;  EL329;  EL3340;  EL9969
Year: 2001
Author: O'Connor, T
Beckitt, G
Otto, G
Abstract: Uranium is the main commodity sought by Cameco, however the project area is also being evaluated for base and precious metal potential through multi-element geochemical sample analysis and geological observations. Airborne anomaly identification was conducted in-house during June 2000 utilising airborne geophysical results from the 1999 survey. 96 airborne radiometric anomalies were identified for follow-up within the area. A total of 122 outcrop samples were collected from 97 sample sites. Fifty-two radiometric anomalies were followed up. Samples were subdivided into samples for PIMA, samples sent for multi-element geochemical, isotopic and fire assay analysis and samples collected for future thin section preparation and study. Results have revealed that the highest priority anomalies are located within either the mesoproterozoic Kombolgie or McKay Formations. Ten samples were taken at Anomalies SD00_34 and SD00_33 where a maximum count of 3000cps, within Kombolgie sandstone, was recorded. This sample has anomalous trace elements including up to 56 ppm uranium total. Sandstone at Anomaly SD00_54 exhibited up to 5000 cps. These samples were generally highly elevated in all pathfinder trace elements up to 446 ppm Ut and over 15 ppm partial digest uranium. Lead isotopic contents suggest anomalous radiogenic lead with low thorium contents in most of the samples from this highly ranked anomaly. Phosphate (P2O5) content of these samples is anomalous to elevated. De Beers has also conducted some diamond exploration work on the ELs during the third year of tenure. This is documented in the relinquishment report CR2001-0238.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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