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Title: ERL 150, ERL 151 and ERL 152 First annual report 20 May 1999 to 19 May 2000
Title Holder / Company: Afmeco Mining and Exploration
Report id: CR2000-0224
Tenure: ERL150;  ERL151;  ERL152
Year: 2000
Author: Fabray, J
Bisset, A
Abstract: This report describes the results of the first year of exploration on the tenements. Drilling in the SMLB area (ERL 150) confirmed that boundary fault is associated with minor uranium mineralisation. The drilling program completed to the south of anomaly N147 (ERL 151) showed that the prospective lower arkosic unit occurs in the area. The IP surveys carried over ERL 150 and 151 have produced a number of anomalous readings. The gravity completed over the SMLB area shows that the method can map structures and lithological variations. No significant uranium mineralisation was found, but strong alteration zones and prospective lithology in the area south of anomaly N147 is encouraging.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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