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Title: Annual report for period ending 21 January 1996, Mallapunyah project
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1997-0047
Tenure: EL7575;  EL7577;  EL7944;  EL8322;  EL8360
Year: 1997
Author: Brown, IR
Brescianini, RF
Jones, B
Abstract: No base metal exploration was completed within EL8360 during the reporting period. Work in EL7575 consisted of 97 -80# soil samples in 7 lines to follow up anomalism previously outlined. No significant results were returned. Within EL7577 two airborne EM anomalies (B2 and B3) were outlines. These anomalies were followed up by ground EM which verified the anomalies. Each anomaly was then followed up by a drill hole. No anomalous geochemistry outlined. The B3 anomaly was attributed to a previously unrecognised, restricted carbonaceous siltstone in the Stretton Formation. Within EL7944 work included 1 x loop Sirotem to test the Bi EM anomaly, and follow up of previous anomalous geochemistry. Rock chip sampling returned anomalous base metal values. The Bi anomaly resolved to be a surface conductor. 1 loop of SIROTEM was completed within EL8322. No bedrock conductor was identified.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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