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Title: Annual report for Mongala tenements NT for period ending 11-11-1993 ELs 7448, 7449, 7450, 7508, 7509.
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1994-0042
Tenure: EL7448;  EL7449;  EL7450;  EL7508;  EL7509
Year: 1994
Author: Darby, PR
Brown, IR
Abstract: No work during year 2 was undertaken on EL's 7508 and 7509. Work completed consisted of 3 RC holes totalling 100m, 2 diamond drill holes totalling 760.2m, stream sediment sampling and ground magnetic surveys. RC drilling and stream sediment results are outstanding. The targets were diamonds-kimberlitic indicators. The diamond drill holes intersected no significant mineralization though a bituminous laminated mudstone intersected at 305.25m-312.53m returned weakly anomalous base metal values.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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