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Title: Third annual report for the Willowra project for the year to 15th August 1998
Title Holder / Company: Normandy NFM
Report id: CR1998-0603
Tenure: EL7359;  EL7360;  EL7362;  EL7785;  EL7844
Year: 1998
Author: Lowe, GM
Adrichem, SM
Roberts, TL
Abstract: Exploration was concentrated on the previously defined Emperor 1 to 7 anomalies and consisted of a detailed aeromagnetic survey being flown over the Emperor 3 anomaly. This highlighted a significant E-W trending dislocation, which has associated gold anomalism as indicated by lag, vacuum and RAB drilling, however deep Air-core drilling into the better gold anomalism did not obtain significant results. Vacuum drilling was also completed on Emperor 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 with results being low except at Emperor 7 where a significant arsenical anomaly was broadly defined. This was tested by deep Air-core holes and confirmed the continuity to depth of the arsenic anomaly, however only one hole contained significant gold values ie 175 ppb Au. In general results for the year downgraded most of the prospects. 2500 Line Km Aeromagnetics 14 Line Km Ground magnetics
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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