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Title: Annual and final report for 6th year 18-06-1987 to 18-06-1988.
Title Holder / Company: Blake Investments
Report id: CR1989-0229
Tenure: EL3333
Year: 1989
Author: Blake, ME
Abstract: Limestone outcrops are identified over a wide area of the Exploration Licence and at depths of up to 15 metres on the southern bank of the Roper River. The material was generally found to be of little use as kiln feed as it was either too soft, too porous or too shallow to allow for economic quarrying. Surface sampling was carried out on outcrops on the areas pegged and generally gave good results i.e. 90% to 98% CaCO3. Testing was performed only for CaCO3 at the laboratory located at the Elsey Lime kiln plant. Further drilling will be necessary to prove these outcrops at depth. The outcrops consist of Tindall Limestone exposed at grass level.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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