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Title: Annual report on EL 4799 period ending 28-10-1987.
Title Holder / Company: White Range Gold
Report id: CR1987-0266
Tenure: EL4799
Year: 1987
Author: M Rogers and Associates
Abstract: The principal exploration effort during the first year of EL 4799, was an intensive drilling programme at the White Range Gold field, in which 86 reverse circulation holes were completed for 3537 metres. Six prospects were drilled and four of these produced ore-grade gold intersections. The most encouraging results were from the Luce's prospect. Second phase drilling at Luce's is underway and is designed to delineate extensions of the mineralization and to test for confidence in ore continuity, prior to undertaking reserve calculations. White Range is located within the Arltunga Historical Reserve and because of this it was necessary for the company to operate under special conditions and to have close liaison with the Department of Mines and Energy and the Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. The successful completion of the first phase of drilling bears testimony to the cooperation achieved and sets the scene for further development of the venture.
NOTEData incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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