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Title: First year report on EL 4739, costs, period ending 16-7-1986
Title Holder / Company: Conapaira Metals
Report id: CR1986-0280
Tenure: EL4739
Year: 1986
Author: Rayner, B
Abstract: Prospecting of the lease was carried out by traversing the lease from East to West, through gullies and hills, searching for the mineralized reefs that travel North and South. Grab samples were only taken of these reefs, because of the many kms of walking
they would only give indications of gold presence in the iron -stone reefs. These reefs would have to be properly costeaned in different places along the reefs for better samples. Sampling of one section of the area in the south-west corner of the lease, was carried out from aerial survey photographs of reefing structures as requested by the company. Exploration and prospecting were carried out all over the northern section and far eastern section to cover as much of the lease as possible. Alluvial samples were also taken in certain sections.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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