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Title: Report on field inspection of EL 4739 Dec 1985.
Title Holder / Company: Conapaira Metals
Report id: CR1986-0278
Tenure: EL4739
Year: 1986
Author: Eupene, GS
Abstract: This report is based on literature search and compilation of data relevant to the current program on the licence completed in August/September, 1985 followed by a visit to the area to review the progress of prospecting operations conducted by a team of prospectors directly employed and controlled by the Licencees, Conapaira Metals Pty Ltd, of Sydney. This visit took place on 8th and 9th December, 1985, and both days were spent in the field within the area and on an inspection of old minesites to the south of the licence. This report presents a review of the work completed to that time, and some comments on the general prospectivity of the area for gold deposits.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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