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Title: EL 1801 and EL 1802 Harts Range, Illogwa Creek
Title Holder / Company: Hillrise Properties
Report id: CR1979-0012
Tenure: EL1802;  EL1801
Year: 1979
Author: Sloggett, T
Abstract: Hillrise Properties Pty Ltd has been granted Exploration Licences No 1801 all minerals of 463.41 sq miles and 1802 all minerals of 377 sq miles, and has application for or a further Exploration Licence No 1956 in the Harts Range approx 160 miles north east of Alice Springs, Northern Territory. The author recently visited the area and as a result of this visit Hillrise Properties have requested a report covering, possible uranium deposition, the occurrence of a red (ruby) gemstone, and the mode of occurrence of other material of gemstone or industrial quality.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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