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Title: Final report on EL 7765 'Orchestra'; 02-07-1992 to 03-07-1994
Title Holder / Company: Poseidon Gold
Report id: CR1994-0543
Tenure: SEL8701;  EL7765
Year: 1994
Author: Hunter, TJ
Abstract: Exploration undertaken on EL 7765 prior to the grant of SEL initially involved a regional gravity survey (used to interprete the geology of the area), the interpretation of aeromagnetic data (defined the fault zones and the magnetic signature of the area) and photogeological mapping. Two regional vacuum drilling programmes followed, where both overburden and bedrock samples were collected for analysis. Results from the first drilling programme indicated some coincident Au-Cu-Bi-Ag anomalism in the west. Results for the follow up drilling are still awaited. A detailed ground magnetic survey was conducted over a portion of the northern blocks of EL 7765.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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