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Title: Report on ELs year ending 29-06-1986.
Title Holder / Company: Kratos Exploration
Report id: CR1986-0266
Tenure: EL3625;  EL3626;  EL3627
Year: 1986
Abstract: Report reviews results from the previous work done on the tenements, and concludes that the geophysical and geochemical work confirms 'widespread' gold, uranium and base metal mineralisation. However the work has not delineated where any concealed uranium orebody may be. The report concludes that the work may support the inference that substantial mineralisation may be associated with whatever geological feature is producing the JN Botanical Anomaly. Concludes that exploration is still in 'grassroots' stage.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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