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Title: Supplementary Annual report period ending 01-07-1984 to 30-06-1985.
Title Holder / Company: Kratos Exploration
Kratos Uranium
Report id: CR1986-0140
Tenure: EL3625;  EL3627
Year: 1986
Author: Stewart, JR
Abstract: Kratos entered into a JV with Stockdale Prospecting Ltd, who are exploring the tenements for kimberlite indicator minerals /diamonds as part of a regional exploration programme. A detailed geomorphological and Landsat study was conducted to determine the geomorphological evolution of the region. The study concluded that drainages flowed NNE towards the Gulf of Carpentaria during the late Cretaceous. Three samples of 100litre samples were taken from major drainages in the tenements, and tested for heavy mineral concentrations. No diamonds or kimberlite indicator minerals were found.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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