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Title: Annual report on EL 1910 Arthur Creek, period ending 1 December 1981
Title Holder / Company: CRA Exploration
Report id: CR1982-0066
Tenure: EL1910
Year: 1981
Author: Harvey, BE
Abstract: CRA Exploration Pty Limited carried out a geochemical drainage survey and followed-up on anomalies from reconnaissance. The original survey comprised 28 geochemical drainage samples and 28 trapsite gravel samples; follow-up included 19 geochemical drainage samples and 12 panned concentrates. No significant geochemical drainage anomalies were identified. Known copper and tungsten mineralisation lying within mineral leases and a claim covered in joint venture agreement were visited and assessed. They do not in themselves constitute prospective situations, however they are part of a consistent mineralised horizon. Photo-interpretative geological mapping was completed at I: 50 000 scale. Heavy mineral observation results were received for two reconnaissance gravel samples. These were negative for kimberlitic indicators.
NOTEData incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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