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Title: Harts Range Ruby Mine EL 1801, Ruby-Corundum Occurence
Title Holder / Company: Mistral Mines
Report id: CR1982-0061
Tenure: EL1801
Year: 1982
Author: Oliver, RL
James, PR
Abstract: The following report is based on a preliminary photointerpretation of the area surrounding the Ruby Mine site made from 1:15000 colour air photographs on observations made during a period of two days (1st and 2nd April, 1981) at the mine site and surrounding areas and a brief inspection of some thin sections of samples collected. This report is intended to describe and document the findings of our work, detail the conclusions postulated regarding the form, scale and possible origin of the mineralised zone, and outline our recommendations regarding the work presently being carried out by the Adelaide University MSc student, Mr RW Lawrence.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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