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Title: Annual report, EL 1636 Fountain Head 20/09/1980 to 19/09/1981
Title Holder / Company: Geopeko
Report id: CR1982-0032
Tenure: EL1636
Year: 1982
Author: Nicholson, PM
Abstract: Traverse mapping and photo-interpretation has accurately located the position of certain subunits of the South Alligator Group. The particularly favourable Middle Member of the Koolpin Formation, which contains stratiform gold mineralization at the nearby Cosmopolitan Howley and Golden Dyke mines, was chip sampled at regular intervals. Stream sediment samples were taken over the entire area. Zones of favourable sulphidic BIF, and BIF anomalous in gold and arsenic were located within this Middle Member.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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