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Title: Annual report on EL 1354, covering the period 2 November 1976 to 1 November 1977
Title Holder / Company: Uranerz Australia
Report id: CR1978-0007
Tenure: EL1354
Year: 1978
Abstract: The earlier part of the year was taken up mainly with research and the compilation of existing data from the BMR Canberra and the regional evaluation by our project and consultant geologists. During the second half of the year, an airborne spectrometric survey was carried out followed by a shallow auger drilling programme and the evaluation of areas of Carnotite mineralization in caicrete found by CRA in 1972-73. This Exploration Licence is explored in conjunction with EL 1353.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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