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Title: Final report on EL 220 - areas retained under other tenure after 31-12-1976.
Title Holder / Company: Geopeko
Report id: CR1977-0124
Tenure: EL220
Year: 1977
Author: Browne, ALL
Abstract: This report details the results of exploration activities carried out within Exploration Licence 220 during 1976. Within the 1976 boundaries of the Exploration Licence, work was carried out in the Cannon Hill Area, White Rocks Area, Area 1, and the Cobabby Area. Exploration Licence 220 was held by Geopeko Lirnited in trust for the Electrolytic Zinc Company. Final relinquishment of EL 220 become due on 31.12.1976. The status of all mining tenements applied for during the term of EL 220 is reported.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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