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Title: Gondwana project - Report No: EJ74-12 Report on Ranger 2, EL 220.
Title Holder / Company: Geopeko
Report id: CR1974-0133
Tenure: EL220
Year: 1974
Author: Lees, RE
Abstract: Ranger 2 is located 29 km northwest of Jabiru at AMG coordinates 254 000E /622 000N. Field work commenced in 197D as a follow-up of results from an airborne spectrometer survey work consisted of anomaly location, gridding, radiometric and auger drilling/soil geochemical sampling. During 1971, 16 rotary/percussion drill holes 6 with bottom coring, were drilled to test the radiometric anomaly. No filed work was carried out in 1972. During 1973, two rotary/diamond drill holes were sited adjacent to rotary/percussion holes to core uranium-bearing zones. A short costean was dug to investigate the attitude of foliation within the prospect. This report presents the data obtained during the 1973 programme.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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