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Title: EL 3589 and EL 3590 Second Annual Report 18 November 1998 to 17 November 1999
Title Holder / Company: Afmeco Mining and Exploration
Report id: CR1999-0513
Tenure: EL3589;  EL3590
Year: 1999
Author: Kastellorizos, P
Wollenberg, P
Abstract: The report details work conducted in the area. Four lines of ground EM were completed and a single line of regional gravity observation was made along an easterly trending traverse at roughly 500m intervals. Radiometric anomaly 4 and anomaly 5 were tested and the best uranium results obtained were 214ppb Au and 313ppb Au. Seven diamond drill holes were drilled and some holes intersected chlorite alteration in sandstone covers and basement. Futher testing is needed.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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