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Title: Innesvale area EL 8790 Final report.
Title Holder / Company: Stockdale Prospecting
Report id: CR1996-0467
Tenure: EL8790
Year: 1996
Author: Berryman, AK
Abstract: 472 reconnaissance stream sediment samples were collected. A single diamond was recovered, as were a number of chromites and 2 garnets. The diamond had green spots and is thought to have spent some time in a secondary host. While most of the chromites are belived to have been derived from the Antrim Plateau Volcanics. The garnets were thought to be kimberlitic and warranted followed up. 39 follow up samples were collected. The results were disappointing.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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