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Title: Partial relinquishment report exploration licence No. 8078 Lynott, Northern Territory for the year ended 4th January, 1998
Title Holder / Company: MIM Exploration
Report id: CR1998-0232
Tenure: EL8078
Year: 1998
Author: Logan, R
Abstract: The tenement was evaluated for HYC style lead zinc mineralisation by QUESTEM, magnetics, Sirotem, Protem, soil sampling and drilling. Interpretation and modelling of geophysical data led to the testing of an upthrown block, east of a fault suggesting shallowing of the HYC pyritic shale in the Boko Basin. Subsequent drilling of the block by low core holes indicated a throw of about 600m. The holes intersected the HYC pyritic shale with up to 10% pyrite, minor galena and sphalerite observed. The better intersection was 0.16% Pb and 0.61% from 502-505m within hole Boko 5.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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