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Title: First and Final Report on EL 4917 year ending 08-09-1988.
Title Holder / Company: MacMahon Construction
Report id: CR1989-0061
Tenure: EL4917
Year: 1989
Abstract: EL 4917 covers Paddy Plain. Exploration for base metals and gold was complicated by the soil cover. Banded iron formations were mapped using the EM 37 method. Selected areas of interest were costeaned and sampled. Copper, gold, lead, zinc, silver and asbestos were all detected or observed. These include fresh sulphide-bearing mineralisation with assays up to 3.75 g/t Au, 6% Cu, 15% lead, 25000 ppm Zn and 925 ppm Ag found at the local grid location of 4700W 800S. The mineralisation was found to be confined to a narrow discontinuous lens about 15 cm thick and 40 m long. Costeaning also ruled out the possibility of any alluvial or elluvial goldfield. In the opinion of Macmahons, no significant mineral deposit was found. The area had not been exhaustively explored but was relinquished because the extra effort could not be justified.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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