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Title: EL 5608 Report for the year ended 26.11.87 Year 1.
Title Holder / Company: Johannsen, LA
Report id: CR1989-0130
Tenure: EL5608
Year: 1989
Abstract: The original purpose of the EL was to sample and assess a claypan located in about the centre of the area for diamond indicators by means of several percussion drill holes to about 26 or 30 metres. This will give samples which are uncontaminated by material carried in by the wind and water flow from outside. Research of existing data indicated a strong magnetic anomaly associated with and slightly to the north west of the claypan, and ground. Surveys were conducted to locate and detail this anomaly. Altogether a total of ninteen kilometres of traverse was measured, (total field magnetic variations) over an area comprised of light mulga scrub and spinifex. The survey showed however that the anomaly was infact further to the north than anticipated and certainly not associated with the claypan. As a result the project has two targets for sampling; The calypan and the magnetic anomaly and environs. Also, with the magnetic anomaly being located so close to the northern boundary of the EL, it was necessary to lodge an application for an additional area (EL 6108 - Granted 29/08/1988). This will facilitate testing of the site and the area to the north.Following the identification of the magnetic anomaly a detailed survey was conducted measuring the vertical component of the magnetic field over an area of 300 metres x 200 metres. This showed the source to be located in a flat area of mulga scrub and red clayey loam with no outcroping rocks. A small test pit (300mm x 600mm) was dug at a grid reference 925N x 800E through 300mm of alluvium, and a sample of underlying weathered rock was taken from a depth of 400 to 500mm. THis proved to be banded ironstone formation with high magnetic susceptability. To date no test results are on hand for the sample and this will be included in next years report.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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