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Title: Annual Report for year 3 Margaret River 86-87 NT.
Title Holder / Company: Territory Resources
Report id: CR1987-0112
Tenure: EL4415
Year: 1987
Author: Jettner, WA
Abstract: Exploration Licence 4415 is situated on Ban Ban Springs and Douglas, (formerly Prices Springs), Pastoral Stations, about 145 km southeast of Darwin. The licence was granted to Ken Day Pty Ltd on the 10th of April 1984, for a period of 5 years. The licence was tranfered to Territory Resources NL on the 2nd of September, 1986. This report covers the period 10/04/1986 to 09/04/1987. EL 4415 was due for a mandatory 50% reduction on 09/04/1986. This was deferred to 24/09/1986 when the reduction occurred. This report then deals with the whole of EL 4415 as it was granted on 10/04/1984. Ken Day Pty Ltd reports in April, 1985, February, 1986, and April 1986, gave details of the licence and work completed in the first two years of occupancy. Investigations undertaken during the year included the treatment of a 910m3 bulk sample of eluvial material from North Point, pitting of alluvial palaeosystems underlying the Margaret Plains and trenching of the Priscilla Line of Reefs at North Point. Unfortunately we have not received the geological sections of the hardrock costeaning program from the consulting geologist so are not able to include them in this report.
NOTEData incomplete
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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