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Title: Third annual report for the period 01-01-1995 to 30-11-1995 & final report for the period 13-01-1993 to 30-11-1995 EL 7817 (Dingo Creek), McArthur Basin NT.
Title Holder / Company: BHP Minerals
Report id: CR1996-0210
Tenure: EL7817
Year: 1995
Author: Jones, BM
Abstract: The area was explored for its diamond and base metal potential. The base metal exploration include 500 line km QUESTEM, gridding, 35 PROTEM soundings, 197 stream sediment, 23 rock chip and 631 soil samples. The stream and soil sampling outlined a broad area of base metal anomalism at the Margoo area. Diamond exploration proved negative.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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