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Title: EL 6910 Home of Bullion annual report
Title Holder / Company: Allender, JF
Le Brun, AFG
Report id: CR1996-0452
Tenure: EL6910;  SEL9367
Year: 1996
Author: Drown, CG
Abstract: 101 rock chip samples were collected. No significant values were obtained. Linear magnetic anomalies within the licence were tested by 443 RAB holes (10542m). The results were generally disappointing with the maximum assay being obtained being 14ppb Au. This value was supported by weakly anomalous values on adjacent lines. Anomalous copper values were obtained near Mulbangas Prospect. An RC hole was drilled tested this anomalous copper geochemistry. Results suggest supergene enrichment. 3 RC holes were drilled at Safari. Geochemical results were low.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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