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Title: EL 6910 Home of Bullion Annual Report on Exploration year ending 19-11-1994
Title Holder / Company: Allender, JF
Le Brun, AFG
Aberfoyle Resources
Report id: CR1995-0234
Tenure: EL6910
Year: 1995
Author: Curran, CA
Drown, CG
Abstract: The work completed during the year of tenure concentrated on aeromagnetic anomalies. Safari and Mulbunga's references. It included a single EM survey with ground magnetics at both prospects. 3 drill holes were completed and 24 rock chip samples were collected. The rock chip samples returned anomalous Cu-Bi-Ag value from Mulbunga's (max value 23.2% Cu, 3900ppm Bi and 135 ppm Ag). Drilling failed to return any significantly anomalous results.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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