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Title: Annual report on MCNs 3996 and 4031 'Ennis Option', year ending 20-02-1994
Title Holder / Company: Biddlecombe, RM
Shell Company of Australia
Report id: CR1994-0333
Tenure: MCN3996;  MCN4031;  MCN4203;  EL8172
Year: 1994
Author: Giles, D
Abstract: This report covers all work completed on the MCNs 3996 and 4031. MCN 4203 is entirely incorporated within MCN 3996 and is part of the same exploration programme. Therefore work carried out in MCN 4203 is also included in this report. During 1993 residual grid-based soil sampling was carried out over MCNs 3996, 4031 and 4203 and part of the surrounding EL 8172. A total of 117 samples were collected, of which 82 were located within MCNs 3996 and 4031. Several anomalous zones of Au were identified (+ 30ppb), which roughly run parallel to bedding and either correspond or are slightly offset from areas of known surface mineralisation. The anomalous zones are open to the north, south and east of the current grid.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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