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Title: First annual report EL 7696 west Mount Beachmore project
Title Holder / Company: Johannsen, L A
Report id: CR1993-0437
Tenure: EL7696
Year: 1993
Author: Johannsen, LA
Abstract: A ground magnetic survey was completed within the licence and defined 2 approximately circular features which are believed to be pipe features. The aims of the project are to identify and test intrusive structures of a type which might carry economic mineralization, for example, Diamond, Platinum Group Metals, Gold, Niobium, Rare Earth Elements, or any other substances in economic quantities, such as Apatite, Vermiculite etc. The occurrence of the nearby Mud Tank Carbonatite on the northern end of the mapped Woolanga structure has given earlier explorers some encouragement to search for other deep seated magmatic intrusions south of the Plenty Highway along the zone influenced by the structure. In turn, the identification of a similar, though much smaller, intrusion (dubbed 'Lexandra'), west of Mount Bleechmore, has encouraged the author to explore the area north of the highway. This program does not involve the outcrops of the Bleechmore and Strangways units, but is directed to the fiat country in the margin between the main Bleechmore outcrop to the east of the exploration licence, and a less prominent area of the unit to the west. (Alcoota 1:250,000 geological). A drilling program was conducted to explore the nature of the three features, see. A total of 472 meters was drilled, being 277 meters at the Central Premier magnetic anomaly, 120 meters at the Southern Star magnetic anomaly, and 75 meters at Quentin's Flat Clay feature.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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