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Title: Report on exploration activities Arltunga from 04-02-1989 to 03-02-1990
Title Holder / Company: Torcon
Report id: CR1990-0347
Tenure: EL4995;  EL6525;  EL6783
Year: 1990
Author: Murrell, B
Abstract: Magnetic anomalies designated Area 1 to Area 4 are a result of a tectonic boundary. A granulite facies in the north is thrust over a greenschist facies in the south. RC Percussion holes TOR11RC 3 and 4 encountered sub economic mineralisation, which is deemed to source the soil anomalies. None of the other holes encountered any intersections of interest.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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