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Title: Report on field mapping and preliminary testing MCN 189.
Title Holder / Company: Steer JHH
Report id: CR1990-0240
Tenure: MCN189
Year: 1990
Author: Cherry, KC
Abstract: This title covers the Casey/R claim in which NW trending copper mineralisation occurs in chert-veined quartz calcitic matrix. Old workings to a depth of 1 m occur sporadically along the strike of the lode. The NW corner of the claim contains more iron-rich lithologies that are believed to be a possible extension of the quartzite unit in the SE. Field mapping and sampling of the outcrop and from existing pits were undertaken in the reporting period. From the assessment of field work and assay results it is considered that the mineralized zone is 200m strike length x 30m - 50m wide. A grade of 5% Cu is inferred. It is expected to grade through a zone of secondary enrichment to primary ore zone.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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