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Title: Exploration activities report 30 August 1988 to 29 August 1989
Title Holder / Company: Pancontinental Resources (Exploration)
Mules, JHM
Bruce, JR
Report id: CR1989-0585
Tenure: EL6105
Year: 1989
Author: Murrell, B
Abstract: Thorium anomalies in the area were discovered and the area taken up as the result of overlap peripheral to an airborne geophysical survey over adjacent licence areas Prospecting has located some rocks in which monazite is abundant. Stream sediment sampling has shown that lanthanum (including lanthanides) is anomalous over the licence area and indicated areas anomalous in gold and base metal.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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