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Title: Report on EL 5157 11-09-1987 to 10-09-1988.
Title Holder / Company: Bruce, JR
Mules, JHM
Report id: CR1988-0394
Tenure: EL5157
Year: 1988
Abstract: The licence area was partially covered by a stream sediment sampling program and by an airbourne geophysical survey. None of the anomalies generated have yet been recovered. New colour aerial photography was also acquired over the area. The expenditure commitment was met. The licence area covers part of the Ruby Gap Nappe and includes slices of the base of the Amadeus Basin sequence overlying Tommys Gap Metamorphics intruded by the Atnarpa Igneus Complex and minor ultrabasic bodies now altered to serpentinite. No drilling targets were identified during examination of outcrop over this area. A stream sediment sampling program for geochemical exploration was laid out over the area and sampling is partially completed. Samples were collected from the overbank silts at sites representing catchments in the order of 0.5 km2 to 5.0 km2. The clay fraction is separated and assayed fro a broad spectrum of metals. The -2mm fraction of the remainder is panned and observed for gold only. Pan concentrates are stored for possible future study. The program will be completed and assessed in year two. New 1:25,000 scale colour aerial photography was flown over EL 5157 as part of a joint project with CCNT and NTDME. The western half of the licence area was covered by a regional airbourne geophysical survey conducted for us by Austirex International in February 1988. Flight lines were 250m apart and were flown at a mean terrain clearance of 60m. Magnetics, thorium, uranium, potassium and total count radiometrics were recorded. None of the anomalies generated have been recovered at this stage. Results from this survey will be reported in year two.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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