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Title: A geological report White Hill Dam EL 4463 and EL 4528 Harts Range
Title Holder / Company: Kinex
Report id: CR1985-0136
Tenure: EL4463;  EL4528
Year: 1985
Author: MacCulloch, IRF
Nielsen, KI
Abstract: Exploration is the White Hill Dam area, so far has resulted in the location of several Copper mineralisation s, not as yet tested for gold, and a gold copper mineralisation tentatively. The gold copper mineralisation, known as the Copper Queen, in an area not previously considered a gold environment, is thought of as hydrothermal. The area as a whole and the area near the Copper Queen, however, have not been explored for gold, and it is suggested that such exploration is very much justified.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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