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Title: EL 931, final (and annual) report for 1973-1974.
Title Holder / Company: Northern Cement
Report id: CR1978-0004
Tenure: EL931
Year: 1974
Abstract: EL 931 was held to explore for silica and lime sands. A reconnaissance was made in August 1973. Composite surface samples were collected. Three auger holes were put down to 8 feet 6 inches. Samples were assayed for CaO and MgO. 20 more hand auger holes were drilled during October. Composite samples were assayed. Only minimal work was possible in 1974 due to the heavy Wet Season. After discussion with the Mines Branch, it was decided to relinquish the area.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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