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Title: Annual report for year one, EL 6873 Bynoe Area 11-03-1991 to 10-03-1992.
Title Holder / Company: Eupene, KF
Sullivan, JJ
Report id: CR1992-0230
Tenure: EL6873
Year: 1992
Author: Eupene, GS
Abstract: Exploration is targeted at a multielement Au-Base Metal-U-PGE deposit. Preview of previous shows that the area had been previously explored for uranium mineralisation with some interesting anomalies highlighted, including 260ppm U over 1.7m in MHD01 and 0.1m of 0.95% Cu, 1.2% Ni and 0.5ppm Pb in MHD02 in sulphides associated with ultrabasics.
Date Added: 23-Oct-2013
Appears in Collections:Minerals Exploration Reports (MEX)

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